We have come to the stage in our lives where we started to remix clothes, new fashions that are influenced by 50s, 60s or even the 90s! But the wonderful thing that this culture introduced in our everyday lives is vintage clothing. Years ago nobody wore old clothes it was all about NEW NEW NEW, only the few individuals that managed to fish out vintage shops that were most likely charity shops with second hand shops... However now vintage is the new thing to be wearing, something old wether its your grans or your mams from the 80s, vintage is the cool thing to do.
We totally agree, its not only cool, its also a great way of living! Its basically recycling made cool... Also there is something about the clothes that have a history makes you feel like special or something, thinking how your mam wore this to her first date with your dad.
Its also great because nobody will have the same items as you. Thats winning!
The idea of buying vintage is that you get this great product for the fraction of its price, also dont be caught out when buying stuff that says vintage but may just have the look of vintage clothing...
So where to look out for vintage clothing: the first place I would look would be your local charity shop, great place to start especially if your living in a small town, people always get rid of their old stuff and give it to their charity shops, for some its junk for others its one epic find!
Another local option are car boot sales, the original ones, I am not talking Fairy House Market kind of thing where everything is from the back of the van!

There are some unreal opportunities out there that do some really cool stuff like Shutterbug Vintage (http://www.facebook.com/shutterbugshop) and their 20euro per kilo vintage clothes sale... We have been saving and hopefully we will have a post to tell you all about our vintage buying experience!
E. ❤